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Friday, August 11, 2006

Seeing Christian Truth as a Whole

Last night I began a 6 week course entitled - The Framework, Seeing Christian Truth as a Whole. It's a night course ran by Trinity Theo College with Marty Ford lecturing.
The aim of the course is to construct a spiritual 'map' and the best navigation techniques - following bibilical principles to help shape our life activites and decisions.
We begun by looking at some basics, the concept of doctrine, (what are they, common objections and why use/have them) We then looked at systematic theology and considered how the central doctrines to Christian faith are tied together (The Gospel, God, Knowledge of God, Sin, Salvation, Escatology etc)
An interesting discussion was the split between private and public life in western society and the impacts this has had on Christianity. I personally see this secular/spiritual division working with negative effects in Church activites, structures and beliefs, something I need to be more mindful of.
A quick glance over the next 5 sessions looks promising - more comments to follow in future weeks.


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